Restorative Dentistry

Restorative Dentistry

Protect or repair your teeth with restorative dentistry from Dr. Medved. Our dental services are specialized for your needs and the needs of your family. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


If you have a cavity, Dr. Medved can remove the decayed portion of your tooth, then fill in the removed area. Fillings can be made from gold, porcelain, silver, plastic, or resin.

Dentist and Patient Discussion — Lancaster, OH — William L. Medved
Bridges — Lancaster, OH — William L. Medved


A dental bridge replaces gaps in your teeth with a false tooth held in place by the teeth on either side. They can be made from a variety of materials and come in multiple different types, each with its own advantages. Fill in your smile today.


If your teeth are too damaged to support a filling, Dr. Medved can instead cover your damaged tooth with a crown. Crown tooth covers protect damaged teeth and keep the rest of your teeth safe.

Metal and Gold Crowns — Lancaster, OH — William L. Medved


Dentures are one of the most effective ways to replace missing teeth. They are removable, and therefore easy to clean or replace if they become damaged. Our dentures can help you eat and speak again with no hassle.


Partials are the least expensive way to replace missing teeth, non-invasive, and quick to create.


Tooth implants are long-lasting replacements for missing or broken teeth. Dr. Medved offers natural-looking dental implants to replace damaged or missing teeth to make sure that your smile is unbroken.

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